Batik Jambi uses natural dyes from plants, fruits, wood sap and saga. Typical colors of Jambi Batik namely, red, yellow, blue, black. Jambi batik motif usually takes from nature, like plants, animals or daily activities of citizens of Jambi
The motive is one-one or commonly called ceplokan. Jambi batik motifs are very famous motifs sanggat ship, ornamented kuau, durian broke, peacock pears, mangosteen tampok
Some outstanding motifs are:
Tampang Manggis: applied to the art of batik is also applied to the art of carving
Ship Sanggat: object of ships and various types of marine animals such as shrimp, crabs, jellyfish, fish, shellfish, kepah and stingray
Durian Broken: the durian features of the durian would have been a source of inspiration for the creation of durian motif broke
Peacock Ngeram: a peacock hiding its eggs. Peacocks are birds that have beautiful feathers and include protected rare animals
Angso Duo: the legendary fauna motif and loaded with historical values, especially the history of Jambi City "Tanah Pilih Pusako Betuah"
Kuao Berhias
Cheerful motif: name of the animal insects Reriang annual
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